Spot all the shit and win a prize – contact me with details of all your shit spots for your prize. ©

1.Bag of dog shit on Brancaster beach Norfolk

2.Bag of dog shit in Horsford woods Norfolk

3.Henry Moore sculpture at Yorkshire Sculpture Park

4.Bag of dog shit on Happisburgh beach Norfolk

5.Bag of dog shit on Margate sea front #1

6.Bag of dog shit on Brancaster beach Norfolk #2

7.Bag of dog shit on Margate sea front #2

8.Bag of dog shit on Mundesley beach Norfolk

9.Bag of dog shit in the Lake District

10.Bag of dog sit on Trimingham beach Norfolk




14. Current world record holder (Bonus points for guessing the number of shits)

The psychological gymnastics of these dog walkers is interesting. Their desire to be seen to be doing ‘the right thing’ in contrast to their actual desire, makes a temporary problem into an almost fossilised problem. Having half-heartedly gone through the motions they have made a bad problem worse, and yet feel vindicated. People are odd – presumably their partially perceived actions are more important to them, than the consequences of their actual actions.


Bonus shit spotting opportunities in the following images sent by contributors :

Elizabeth McQueen spotted this shit in Lochmaben Scotland.

Paul Preston Mills spotted these splendid triple shits in Lowestoft

….and this pretty one in ….. Lowestoft …. very shitty there it seems

Shit spot by Paul Preston Mills in Lowestoft

Sheila Garrett’s lovely neon coloured spot on Mousehold Heath Norwich

Keith Packer’s shit spot … “driven at speed through Bury St Edmunds”

If you have a well spotted bag of shit that you would like to contribute then please let me know. Thank you.