I have worked as a multi-media artist since the late 1980’s and I have always had a very individual style within all of the disciplines I have worked in. This style has come from deep within and has been purely instinctive, which over the years I have grown to understand and to deeply trust when I make new works. Often I have a very limited ability to be able to explain the significance of new work to either myself or others for many years. Words do not come easily to me – they are not my strongest language.
I am completely self-taught in all aspects of my many vocations, from the performing arts, to blacksmith, sculptor, engineer, product designer and inventor. Whilst I do at times ponder how my life might be different had I formally studied within the arts or other creative disciplines, I am very aware of the freedom of self-expression that the lack of any formal education has given me.
It is within my bones to question all aspects of life and of that which we call reality – I have a great need to understand it and to hopefully offer a window of perspective upon it, its strangeness and how we cope with it. Indeed I have spent many many years trying to decide what Art itself is, as well as Truth and Quality.
Most of my work has many blended layers of philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, serendipity and comedy – some are more visible than others – to me these are all in their own way terms of divination of truth – and ultimately it is truth that I seek in my work.
Probably my favourite current works are the series of Board Games which although seem simple (as is the way with much conceptual art work) they are very complex in terms of their philosophy and psychology … they are best looked at in their numbered order, which is also their chronological order.